Author Archives: Site Administrator
Divorce considerations for pet owners in California
For many people, the family pet is a valuable member of the household. When a divorce happens, the fate of the pet is often an extremely important consideration. While pets are considered property in many states, subject to laws governing asset division, some states — including California — have enacted laws that allow judges… Read More »
Creating a financial plan prior to entering divorce
The decision to end a marriage often arrives after considerable thought and deliberation. While the divorce process can feel daunting, it may still be in an individual’s best interests as they move forward with their life. A divorce can dramatically impact one’s financial situation, so planning is paramount. By creating a sound financial strategy… Read More »
Uptick in the number of people seeking divorce in January
There are many people in California in unhappy relationships who may keep a sense of optimism about their and their partner’s future together. However, there comes a point in many relationships where people are forced to admit that the problems they face are insurmountable, forcing them to decide whether they should continue to live… Read More »
How a prenuptial agreement alters the divorce process
You’ve likely heard that around 50 percent of marriages end in divorce. When people get married, they usually imagine it lasting forever, but there is a 50/50 chance of it ending in divorce. Given the odds, it may be a prudent decision to create a prenuptial agreement–especially for high-asset couples, business owners or couples… Read More »
California man wants to set time limit for spousal support
If you have set aside a career to take care of your home and children, going through a divorce may put you at a financial disadvantage. You may have to try and reenter the workforce with little to no job history for the length of your marriage. Spousal may provide for you to have… Read More »
Determining if mediation is the right choice for a divorce
Movies and television shows would have viewers believe that the end of a marriage has to be filled with anger, bitterness and accusations thrown out in front of a judge. While there is no doubt that there can be negative feelings associated with a divorce, there are also couples in California who want the… Read More »
Money matters and how they affect divorce
A couple that is struggling financially may be more prone to fights and disagreements. Money is one of the leading causes of problems in a marriage, and often, those issues can carry over during a divorce proceeding. Many people believe that adultery and behavioral problems are the reason their marriage is ending, but in… Read More »
Helping to ease the divorce transition
Most people in California have plans for the future. Many of those plans include spending the rest of their lives with their spouse. However, even couples who have the best intentions find that their relationship is no longer functional, ultimately leading them to the decision that a divorce is in their best interests, as… Read More »
Stability: The main goal of co-parenting
When establishing a custody agreement, California laws and courts always prioritize a child’s best interests. This is because they want to maintain stability in the child’s life as much as possible through an extreme life change, such as a parent’s divorce. The focus on stability should not end once the custody agreement is established…. Read More »
Marital contracts: often an effective yet misunderstood planning tool
Ice thrown on fire? Dimmer of romantic ardor? Marriage killer? Some California readers of our blogs at the proven San Jose family law firm of Foster Hsu might reasonably guess what today’s post spotlights based on the above descriptors. If not, well, here it is: marital contracts, both prenuptial agreements and postnuptial contracts, respectively…. Read More »