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Author Archives: Jay Butchko


How to Set Up a Parenting Plan During a Divorce

By Foster Hsu, LLP |

Divorce is a challenging process, especially when children are involved. Creating a well-thought-out parenting plan is essential to ensure the well-being of your children and to establish a cooperative co-parenting relationship. At Foster Hsu, LLP in San Jose, California, we understand the complexities of family law and are here to guide you through setting… Read More »

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Comprehensive Guide to Divide Intellectual Property in California Divorces

By Foster Hsu, LLP |

Divorce can be a complex process, especially when it involves the division of intellectual property (IP). For couples in California, navigating the separation of these assets requires careful consideration and legal expertise. At Foster Hsu, LLP, our San Jose high net worth divorce lawyers are here to guide you through the process on how… Read More »

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Legal Considerations for Divorcing Couples with Special Needs Children

By Foster Hsu, LLP |

Divorce is a challenging process for any family, but for parents of special needs children, the legal landscape is even more complex. These parents must address unique custody, support, and future care planning considerations to ensure their child’s needs are met. At Foster Hsu LLP, in San Jose, California, we understand these challenges and… Read More »

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Technology and Stalking: Legal Remedies for Survivors of Domestic Violence

By Foster Hsu, LLP |

In an era where technology permeates every aspect of our lives, it has also become a tool for perpetrators of domestic violence to harass, intimidate, and control their victims. This digital dimension of abuse, often termed as cyberstalking, has brought new challenges to the forefront of family law. At Foster Hsu, LLP, in San… Read More »

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Legal Protections and Obligations of Unmarried Couples

By Foster Hsu, LLP |

Unmarried couples who choose to live together face unique legal challenges and considerations, which vary significantly from those encountered by married couples. At Foster Hsu, LLP in San Jose, California, we specialize in guiding our clients through these complexities with clear and thoroughlegal support. This blog post delves into the key areas where legal… Read More »

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Balancing Act: Navigating Children’s Extracurriculars During Divorce

By Foster Hsu, LLP |

Navigating the process of signing up and managing extracurricular activities for children during a divorce and custody battle can be challenging. Parents often wonder how to maintain stability and continuity in their children’s lives while managing their own emotional and legal complexities. At Foster Hsu LLP, we provide insights on how to handle extracurricular… Read More »

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The Impact of Silicon Valley Startups on Family Law: Stock Options, RSUs, and Equity Compensation

By Foster Hsu, LLP |

The dynamic landscape of Silicon Valley’s startup ecosystem has not only revolutionized technology but also reshaped various aspects of family law. With the prevalence of stock options, restricted stock units (RSUs), and other forms of equity compensation in the tech industry, divorcing couples in the San Jose area face unique challenges when it comes… Read More »

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Legal Paternity vs. Biological Paternity

By Foster Hsu, LLP |

In the realm of family law, paternity issues can often present some of the most challenging cases, particularly when legal paternity and biological paternity do not align. This discrepancy can have significant implications for child support, custody, inheritance, and other legal rights. At Foster Hsu, LLP, our lawyers work with our clients to help… Read More »

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The Impact of Tax Laws on Child and Spousal Support Agreements

By Foster Hsu, LLP |

In the intricate world of family law, understanding the nuances of tax laws is crucial, especially when it comes to negotiating child and spousal support agreements. The tax implications of these agreements can significantly affect both parties’ financial well-being. As of the latest tax reforms, there have been substantial changes that impact how child… Read More »

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Separate v. Community Property: Clarifying the Distinctions for San Jose Families

By Foster Hsu, LLP |

In the heart of Silicon Valley, San Jose families face unique financial landscapes, making understanding California’s community property laws crucial. These laws dictate how property is categorized and divided in the event of a divorce or death, which can have significant implications for asset distribution and estate planning. Foster Hsu, LLP aims to demystify… Read More »

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